Sunday, October 22, 2006

Innovation: (Blog) RED

"We are the people we've been waiting for."

Soon, I hope, you'll be seeing the above words everywhere you make a meaningful purchase. For those of you who haven't heard, Bono and Bobby Shriver (of the Global Health Fund) have just publicly launched the (RED) campaign - including the above mantra - encouraging major brands to donate some of their profit from key product lines tin an effort o help fight HIV and AIDS in Africa.

Having spent some time as an administrator for a rural hospital in Masvingo, Zimababwe - I have followed the AIDS epidemic in Africa quite closely...but was worried that this would simply become another cause...another ribbon...that became a fad and was lost again - making us feel like we had made a contribution while millions still quietly died a continent away.

Then I read the campaign's manifesto:

I can't remember the last time I read somthing so succinct and unabashedly transparent.

Then I went to the GAP to make my first (RED) purchases...and they were sold out. Talked to the chipper person at the front of the store and found out they had sold out twice in this, thier first week...both within 30 minutes of getting their shipments.

Then I went online...and they too were sold out of most sizes and colors. When was the last time you went online and they were sold out of nearly everything?

So I sit here quietly, hoping that this innovation becomes a new business model for things yet unseen. I hope our consumerism can be transformed into something other then our attachment to ego and vanity. I hope that our own health care system can take a lead from those more willing to take risks in new ways that help people other than ourselves.

Here's to (RED).

PS - For all you other bloggers out there...check out the (Blog) RED and think about adding a link to the (RED) campaign. Thanks for the consideration.


At 3:19 AM, Blogger estetik said...

This is a fantastic service — I had no idea this kind of help would be available. Thanks!I try this.


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