Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Innovate: You Tube in Health Care

Anybody out there wondering if their hospital will end up on You Tube?

I did a quick search using the key word "hospital" and got over 10,000 results. Here is just one example.

Only a matter of time before people start taking their camcorders in during their stay to provide their own commentary on hospital services...and then...broadcast it to the world.

On the other hand...given You Tube's democratic model...how about hospitals getting the upperhand and posting their own "patient stories"...

Every day I am more convinced that success in health care is about embracing the possibilities and using them to tell better stories and build more robust business models...disruption in the health care field is just around the corner...and I say bring it on - we'll be better for it.


At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree. these everyday miracle patient stories aren't being told

At 5:06 AM, Blogger Bob Coffield said...

Very interesting search you ran on YouTube. I plan to take a look at similar search results and do a followup post.

I agree with yours and Tony's comments that hospitals could capitalize on the positive use of patient stories. However, as a health lawyer who involving in representing hospitals in malpractice and other risk management matters I'm certain we will also see video being used to negatively portray the hospital setting, service, etc. I'm interested to run a search on hosptial malpractice on YouTube.

The question is whether the innovation will be a carrot or a stick.

Thanks for the thought provoking post.

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If my son takes his camcorder to the hospital to record the birth of his child, will the delivery room staff each be required to sign a models release?


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