Sunday, August 20, 2006

Policy: Declining Reimbursement for Physicians

CMS recently announced a proposed cut 0f 5.1% in Medicare reimbursement for Physicians.

While it is not uncommon for CMS to announce an annual reduction, this one is in the $2.5 Billion range...annually....which likely means they want to see some reduction - even if it's only a portion of the current proposal.

Outside of the growing frustration this will cause for physicians, physicians will clearly be looking for new ways to augment their already declining reimbursement. Areas of focus will likely include:
  • Specialty Hospital involvement
  • Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Joint Venture involvement
  • Concierge Medicine Growth

...just to name a few. Taken in this context, it's no wonder CMS is making the above three areas easier for physicians to participate in.


At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My concern will be for the physicians. With declining reimbursement and thinner wallets, there's a possibility that our doctors will perform shoddily. This will affect our general health care service.

At 7:14 PM, Blogger J. Dinger said...

Here! Here!

Future physicians will also be less likely to opt-in to the grueling educational requirements and heavy loan burdens endured in medical school...potentially attracting less qualified applicants and lowering the overall quality of health care provided.

Thanks so much for your comment!!


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